Class RepaymentSchedule


  • RepaymentSchedule


  • Parameters

    • programVersion: AnchorTypeDef<Object, AnchorDefined<Credix, {
          DealTranche: AnchorTypeDef<Object, ({ Fraction: AnchorTypeDef<{ name: "Fraction"; type: { kind: "struct"; fields: [{ name: "numerator"; type: "u32"; }, { name: "denominator"; type: "u32"; }]; }; } & { name: "Fraction"; }, ...>; ... 5 more ...; TrancheClaim: AnchorTypeDef<...>; })>;
          Fraction: AnchorTypeDef<Object, ({ Fraction: AnchorTypeDef<{ name: "Fraction"; type: { kind: "struct"; fields: [{ name: "numerator"; type: "u32"; }, { name: "denominator"; type: "u32"; }]; }; } & { name: "Fraction"; }, ...>; ... 5 more ...; TrancheClaim: AnchorTypeDef<...>; })>;
          LpClaim: AnchorTypeDef<Object, ({ Fraction: AnchorTypeDef<{ name: "Fraction"; type: { kind: "struct"; fields: [{ name: "numerator"; type: "u32"; }, { name: "denominator"; type: "u32"; }]; }; } & { name: "Fraction"; }, ...>; ... 5 more ...; TrancheClaim: AnchorTypeDef<...>; })>;
          RepaymentPeriod: AnchorTypeDef<Object, ({ Fraction: AnchorTypeDef<{ name: "Fraction"; type: { kind: "struct"; fields: [{ name: "numerator"; type: "u32"; }, { name: "denominator"; type: "u32"; }]; }; } & { name: "Fraction"; }, ...>; ... 5 more ...; TrancheClaim: AnchorTypeDef<...>; })>;
          RepaymentPeriodInput: AnchorTypeDef<Object, ({ Fraction: AnchorTypeDef<{ name: "Fraction"; type: { kind: "struct"; fields: [{ name: "numerator"; type: "u32"; }, { name: "denominator"; type: "u32"; }]; }; } & { name: "Fraction"; }, ...>; ... 5 more ...; TrancheClaim: AnchorTypeDef<...>; })>;
          TrancheClaim: AnchorTypeDef<Object, ({ Fraction: AnchorTypeDef<{ name: "Fraction"; type: { kind: "struct"; fields: [{ name: "numerator"; type: "u32"; }, { name: "denominator"; type: "u32"; }]; }; } & { name: "Fraction"; }, ...>; ... 5 more ...; TrancheClaim: AnchorTypeDef<...>; })>;
          TrancheConfig: AnchorTypeDef<Object, ({ Fraction: AnchorTypeDef<{ name: "Fraction"; type: { kind: "struct"; fields: [{ name: "numerator"; type: "u32"; }, { name: "denominator"; type: "u32"; }]; }; } & { name: "Fraction"; }, ...>; ... 5 more ...; TrancheClaim: AnchorTypeDef<...>; })>;
    • address: PublicKey

    Returns RepaymentSchedule


address: PublicKey
periods: RepaymentPeriod[]



  • The sum of the missing principal and interest for all periods up to and including the current period.


    • deal: Deal

      The deal to get the total missing amount for

    Returns null | TokenAmount

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